Slipping on Ice!!!

2 min readJan 18, 2021

Colder months. Snow on the ground. For some, it is their winter wonderland. For others, it is a winter nightmare.

Slipping on ice is one of the most common injuries patients sustain during the winter months. From shoveling snow off the driveway to shuffling on the sidewalk, slipping and falling leads to experiencing pain in multiple locations. Not only will you feel stiff and sore after scooping snow, but you will also feel pain if you land on your hip or tailbone after a slip.

Shoveling snow can be one of the most demanding tasks your body endures during the winter. Because you are bending and twisting while shoveling, slipping on ice and experiencing back pain increase. This in mind, your best options for shoveling snow are to push snow into a snowbank, use your arms and legs often, take frequent breaks and warm up, and to avoid letting snow pile up over time.

Slipping on ice does occur often, feeling almost inevitable. However, there are several tips to help avoid further pain to your body. If you slip and are not able to stabilize yourself, slide into the fall. While you will still feel pain, it will not be as intense as landing on your hip or tailbone. In addition, avoid using your wrists or elbows to catch yourself.

Contact Diamond Chiropractic Today!

If you experience pain from a recent fall/ slip from ice, contact Diamond Chiropractic. Alleviating pain, and your overall health, are our top priority, especially after slipping on icy terrain. Get relief now, so you can enjoy more winter activities.




Chiropractor for 25 years and Acupuncturist for 18 years; before that, just a farm boy with stories