Not Getting Enough Sleep?

3 min readJan 21, 2021

Lying awake at night, trying to get some sleep? Maybe you’re tossing and turning, trying to find that perfect spot so you can fall asleep. You could be frustrated from being up since two in the morning, and you only got about three hours of sleep. We start dreaming about sleep, while experiencing a restless nightmare. Every person has had those kinds of nights, and it does not help how we function the next day.

When we sleep, our body has a chance to heal and rest. Our heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, and other body functions slow down, allowing our body to conserve energy and focus on processing what we experienced in a day. The average amount of sleep for adults is 8 hours a night; for kids, about 10 hours of sleep. Thanks to this, not only can our body relax and rest, but its physical, mental, and emotional “systems” can heal as well. It is when we don’t sleep, however, that we run into a lot of health problems.

Not getting enough sleep leads to multiple health problems, including headaches/ migraines.

Surprisingly, sleep deprivation has resulted in the development and increased progression of multiple health issues. The most common include difficulty concentrating and memory problems, along with feeling tired all day and having delayed reactions to outside stimuli. We feel irritated, anxious, and even depressed, due to your mental and emotional states not being able to rest. Over time, sleep deprivation can lead to other serious health conditions including high blood pressure, depression, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and seizures. Overall, getting sleep helps keep you healthy, allowing your body and its systems to rest and conserve energy.

With sleep deprivation, there are two common conditions patients may suffer from:

· Insomnia. Best known for the inability to fall asleep, insomnia causes patients to lie awake for hours, whether from the moment their head is on the pillow or from suddenly waking up in the middle of the night. This inability leads to having little to no sleep at night, leaving patients to question why they can’t fall asleep. The thing is, there are multiple reasons behind having insomnia, and it can be hard to pinpoint the exact culprit. The most common causes are stress (mental and/or emotional), certain medications, excessive worrying or anxiety, and depression.

· Sleep Apnea. Sleep apnea occurs when a patient pauses in breathing during sleep. It feels like when you pinch your nose and hold your breath at the same time. This results in suddenly waking up and gasping for air. Sleep apnea causes snoring, extreme dry mouth, and drowsiness as well. Patients experiencing sleep apnea should consider how their mouth and airways are shaped, or if they suffered any head trauma, when receiving treatment. Excessive weight may be another factor to consider.

Any of these conditions have a similar result: the loss of restful sleep. This in mind, it’s time to think about treatment.

If you are experiencing any form of sleep deprivation, we may have the answer for you. At Diamond Chiropractic, our team is exceptional with patients suffering from lack of sleep. Using Zone Technique, we can pinpoint imbalances in zones relating to your case; with restless sleep, we would focus on Zone 1 (glandular system), Zone 3 (nervous system), Zone 5 (musculoskeletal system), and even Zone 6 (circulatory system). After a few adjustments, patients are amazed at what first caused their condition, and they begin experiencing restful nights of sleep again, along with feeling better physically, mentally, and emotionally. Contact Diamond Chiropractic and get relief — and sleep — now and fast!




Chiropractor for 25 years and Acupuncturist for 18 years; before that, just a farm boy with stories