Let’s Talk Sprains vs. Strains

2 min readOct 27, 2021

Football. Soccer. Lacrosse. Cross country. Golf. All of these fun sports are the first ones to come to mind when thinking about fall activities. A great way to enjoy the change in seasons. Injuries like a sprain/strain, though, can put a damper on those plans.

Starting with Sprains…

Sprains appear when a ligament is injured in a certain joint. This is due to the ligament being pulled, stretched, or damaged during an activity.

Staying in a certain position for long periods of time can cause sprains as well.

Aside from not being able to use that joint, other signs to look for are swelling and bruising.

What about Strains?

A strain, however, will occur when a muscle — sometimes a tendon — is twisted or pulled. This can be due to overuse or improper use of the affected muscle. Sometimes lack of rest time between play time can cause a strain.

Muscle strains can appear suddenly, which makes it hard to determine what caused it. Sometimes a strain develops from an injury that occurred several days or weeks prior to the pain.

Apart from pain, some symptoms to watch for are muscle spasms, cramps, and difficulty using that specific muscle/tendon.

What if I don’t play sports? How am I suffering from a sprain/strain?

Both sprains and strains occur repetitive movement. Even if you play a sport or not, anyone can experience pain from these conditions.

Luckily, chiropractic care helps alleviate that pain. Gentle manipulation of the spine and affected joints, and some lifestyle advice, helps relieve that pain and stress.

Chiropractic care helps resolve any symptoms caused by sprains and strains, too! Aside from reduced swelling and bruising, chiropractic care works to relieve any hip pain, knee pain, and ankle pain caused by a sprain/strain.

With Chiropractic Care…

You can get back to those fun fall activities, and feel relief from sprain/strain pain, in no time.

Contact Diamond Chiropractic of Omaha for any sprain/strain pain you’re experiencing, and to seek relief today!




Chiropractor for 25 years and Acupuncturist for 18 years; before that, just a farm boy with stories